About Our Agency

We embrace, create, maintain and improve your online presence

We provide digital marketing services to startups and small businesses looking for a partner for their digital media. We seek to work with you, not for you. We specialize in Content Generation and Curation, Social Media Analysis, Social Media Management and Training, Website Designing, Digital Marketing, Bulk SMS, Social Media Measurement/ Research, Web and Mobile application development and several other corporate bespoke services.


What Makes Us Unique?

Start working with a partner that can help you to generate the needed awareness for your brand.
Allow us to drive traffic, connect you with customers, and increase sales.


We are transparent at our core, always seeking to ensure that we are an open book to our clients and ethical in our interactions


From the first proposal to the client, to the final project documentation and contract, we are always seeking to document each stage of the process, with the ambition to achieve our objectives.


Our team is always ready around the clock to provide assistance via our online chat and updates via the client portal.


Our digital consultants proactively monitor each project and ensure that most bugs are fixed even before the client realises it.


Our Goal Is Client’s Success And Future Growth

A great man once said…..  “”Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”” –

At AMS, we are not content, till the client is happy! We pride ourselves in seeing brands grow with their objectives achieved.

We Believe In Security

We take client and project data very seriously. From our confidentiality clause in our contracts to the team that works on your project, client confidentiality is assured at all times.

We Believe In Quality

We undertake several quality assurance processes to ensure that the output of projects are consistently top notch.

We Believe In Ability

Our team is constantly learning new ways of doing things and is ready to adapt to the dynamic and everchanging competitive environment. In a technologically driven world, that sets us apart

We Believe In Relations

Communication and Feedback are synonymous with AMS. We provide a dedicated digital consultant for each client, overseeing all client-related communication and briefs.

Are You Ready to start your
digital marketing campaign?

We are fully committed and focused on the development of your business or brand.
Increase your brand awareness & stay on top!

Our Brilliant Team

“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

Ken Blanchard